Limited Lifetime Warranty

For Premium and Pro-Themed cables, and certain Design Your Own* cables only. 

*Design Your Own cables will only be covered under the Lifetime Warranty if they are using the CNC type connector housings for the keyboard side. Metal shell and heatshrink type C, Mini USB and Micro USB connectors are not covered under the Lifetime Warranty, and instead will be covered under 12 month warranty with the same limitations. This does not apply to metal shell and heatshrink Type A connectors, which will be covered under the Lifetime warranty.

We have every confidence that your Kool Keys cable will give many, many years of reliable service, however, should the improbable happen, and your cable becomes faulty due to manufacturing defects or failed parts, we will replace it for free. For as long you own the cable, and Kool Keys remains trading, the cable will be covered under a limited life time Warranty.

Exceptions to this apply however, and these are outlined below.

This Limited Lifetime Warranty will be void if any of the following are observed:

  • Any external damage to the cable, including split sleeving, scorched, melted or cut sleeving or any other evidence of external damage that would be consistent with extreme abuse/forces.


  • If there has been any attempt to disassemble the cable by the end user for any reason: All our cables are thread locked, and not designed to be serviced by the end user. If there is any indication that the cable has been disassembled, or attempted to be disassembled, the warranty is void.


  • Damage caused to the Cerakote finish by attempting to disassemble the connectors with metal tools will not be covered under warranty (see above).


  • This warranty does not cover damage to your own devices should the end user mix one half of a Kool Keys quick connect cable with the other half from another manufacturer. Not all manufacturers use the same wiring protocol. Only use the complete cable as a set.


  • If there is any sign of either end of the cable being forced into a permanent position by lack of access space - for example, the host side connector being bent sharply when pushing a PC tower back against a wall and crushing the cable and connector.


  • Any evidence of the cable being re-baked, re-coiled, or otherwise heat treated to reform its shape in any way.  All baking for cable shaping purposes is done by us before the cable is assembled.  Kool Keys cables are assembled using adhesives and insulating materials that can be damaged or compromised by re-baking the entire assembled cable. Any sign of oven re-baking, or local heat treatments with heat guns or other local heat application will invalidate this warranty.  If you require specialist shaping, please make this clear when ordering the cable. We are happy to produce custom orders.  Do not re-bake or reheat your cable.


  • Any evidence of abuse such as stretching, or excessive forces being applied.


  • Coiled cables are not designed to be stretched out like old fashioned PUR type telephone cables. If we sell a cable designed for this, it will be clearly described as such. Coiled cables we sell using MDPC-X or Techflex is coiled for aesthetic purposes only and the coil should not be stretched any more than to allow a gap between coils of more than three times the diameter of the cable to ensure the coil remains perfect. Kool Keys coiled cables will withstand more than this, but it's best practice not to. If a coil shows evidence of being stretched out to the point of it not returning to it's fully closed state, then this will not be covered under the warranty. Metal sleeved coiled cables are not warranted for shape retention, and are purely aesthetic show pieces (see below)


  • Metal sleeved coils are not covered under the lifetime warrant for any shape retention whatsoever. Metal sleeved coils are not advised, although we will make them for you on request (you will be well advised as to the limitations of such a cable upon ordering) but are intended as static show pieces for aesthetic purposes.  See the section at the bottom of the "Glossary or Parts" page here for a full explanation as to why this is so.    Such a metal sleeved coiled cable will still be covered under the warranty for all other reasons, within the limitations already stipulated elsewhere in this document, but not for shape retention should you stretch the cable. They are fragile and do not have sufficient coil memory to fully close the coil under their own tension should they be stretched. If this happens, due to the tendency of metal sleeving to stay in the position you put it in, you can compress the coil back into shape, or even wind the coil tight again.


  • Also, General cosmetic wear and tear accrued over time due to hard use will not be covered by this warranty. Only defects in manufacturing or parts that prevent the cable from working as intended.

In the event of failure, there are two options:

  1. Return the cable to us in the original packaging, and should the cable be found to be genuinely faulty, we will send you a new one. We will cover all return postage costs, but unfortunately cannot cover the costs of you returning it.
  2. Should returning the cable not be possible for whatever reason, we will ask for a video clearly identifying the cable as ours, and showing our cable being cut into several pieces. This may sound dramatic, but it is the only way we can avoid people trying to obtain a new cable free of charge. Cutting a cable that is no longer of any use to you should not be a problem, but it does stop people who are just fishing for a free cable. We apologise for this being necessary, and we are not the only cable maker who will insist on this. Kool Keys in no way suggest that you, dear and valued customers would be attempting this, but it does happen occasionally and being a small company that makes hand made products, even the cost of replacing and shipping one cable is a great expense.

In the first instance, contact us via the "contact" section of this site and we will do all we possibly can to get you up and running again as fast as we possibly can.


David - Kool Keys.