Upcoming Pro-Themed Cable Timetable
Submitted keycaps for the development of new Pro-Themed cables, or just curious to know what's coming next and when? See expected dates below.
Approximate Dates For Guidance:
GMK Blue Alert
All Cerakote and dyeing work done. Manufacture underway. Expected release date March 18th.
GMK 9009
Work commencing week beginning Feb 17th.
SA Dasher/Macrodata Refinement
In Queue. Colour chips arrived from Signature Plastics.
GMK 8008®
In Queue
GMK Peaches & Cream Lite
In queue
GMK Momo Yume
In Queue
GMK Darling
In Queue. Keycaps arrived.
GMK Hi-Viz!
In queue. Keycaps arrived
GMK Nerve
In Queue. Keycaps arrived.